Leading the way: finding the right course of study
Do you want to take up a course of study? Great, then you've already made a groundbreaking decision for your future career. Now it's time to identify the right course of study from the huge range on offer. We have put together a few tips below:
Study orientation: HWG-LU offers free workshops
- What prospects do I have with my school-leaving certificate or at the end of my vocational training?
- What does studying actually mean?
- And which degree programs are right for me?
- How does the application process work?
These and many other questions are addressed in the workshops for prospective students at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society. The aim of our study orientation workshops is to work out personal strengths and weaknesses and compare them with the requirements of a degree course. Because the focus is on the interests of the participants, even those who do not yet have a concrete idea of the direction they want to take in their student life will benefit.
Study orientation tests on the Internet
From general tests for study orientation to concrete suggestions for a field of study - there is a wide range of offers on the web aimed at prospective students in the orientation phase. We can recommend the Hochschulkompass study interest test with a clear conscience. This is a scientifically based self-test for study orientation. If you invest about 15 minutes of your time here, you will find out where your basic inclinations lie and which courses of study match them. The test is free, non-binding and anonymous.
You definitely want to study in Ludwigshafen? You're welcome to! Our course finder will help you find the right course for you from the more than 40 courses offered by the Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences.
Specialized study advising at the HWG-LU
If you shortlist a study program of HWG-LU, we recommend a conversation with the assistants of the respective study program. They are the direct contact persons for all subject-related questions in the run-up to (and also during) your studies. You can find the relevant contact persons on the profile pages of your desired study program, which you can access via the program finder, among other things.
Getting started made easy: Offers for (new) students
In addition to various taster lectures in advance, the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society offers a range of face-to-face and online courses for the initial phase of your studies: The aim of the learning check is to get to know and assess your own learning methods and strategies better. The writing lab provides assistance in writing academic papers. The one-week preliminary course for mathematics helps first-year students to prepare for the mathematics modules at the university (online participation is also possible). There is an English pre-course for students of the Faculty of Social and Health Sciences. The event portal for students at Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society also lists many other current course offerings. Students who have attended at least three workshops and courses can also obtain the "Fit for studies and career" certificate.
Introductory events and accompanying measures
In addition to the central offer, the respective departments also organize an introductory week (in individual cases an introductory day) to start your studies. The offers at degree program and department level include
- Mentorship programs during the first year of study
- a "starter package" for first-year students on the OpenOLAT learning platform
- introductory tutorials on the topic of academic work
- tutorials accompanying courses for study modules that are considered particularly challenging (e.g. statistics in business administration or law in social work)
- Offers for particularly high-achieving students in Management, Controlling, HealthCare.
When things don't go according to plan...
Equal opportunity officers, a liaison lecturer, a university chaplain and a psychological counseling center - in the event of individual, difficult life situations, there are a number of points of contact at the Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences. And anyone who is thinking of dropping out of their studies should first contact their department. Here there are trained contact persons who know how to advise and support potential dropouts.
Useful and further links
- Interested in studying? Everything you need to know about HWG LU as a prospective student can be found in our Quick Link PDF for download
- The website www.studienwahl.de operated by the Foundation for University Admission and the Federal Employment Agency and the corresponding brochure "Study Choice - The Official Study Guide for Germany" provide high school graduates with comprehensive information on deciding on a course of study and career planning.
- To study or not to study? The Rhineland-Palatinate Virtual Campus offers guidance on this fundamental decision. A cross-university scientific state institution with a comparison of expectations aimed at school pupils.
- Study orientation workshops at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society
- Our recommendation: The study interest test from Hochschulkompass is scientifically based, free, non-binding and anonymous. Duration: approx. 15 minutes
- Current overview of events for students at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society
- You can find out more about the wide range of events offered by the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society for pupils, schools and students on the website of the Department of Studies and Education