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Extend your studies or shorten them? At HWG LU you can "study flexibly"...

Flexible study, how does that work anyway?

Childcare, caring for relatives or gainful employment - there are numerous reasons why you may not be able to complete your studies under full-time conditions. The Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society therefore also offers the option of flexible study. This means that you are enrolled in a full-time course of study, but complete it in an extended standard period of study that you can arrange individually.

Shifting down a gear...

The "Flexible study" model is aimed at both prospective students and students who are already enrolled. It provides for the course of study to be spread out by reducing the pace of study. As part of an agreed course of study - for example, extending the course by 25 to 50 percent - content and examinations are simply postponed. The total study time is extended accordingly, but otherwise you complete the "normal" course of study.

HWG LU currently offers flexible study for the following degree programs:

...or would you rather step on the gas?

By the way: For all those who would like to complete their studies faster than the standard period of study, it is of course just as possible to shorten your studies.

Whichever speed is right for you: There are no special admission requirements for participating in flexible studying. This means that you can benefit from the advantages immediately.

And if the requirements change again during your studies? No problem! It is also possible to switch between an individual study period and the regular study period (taking into account the offering frequency of postponed courses). So really flexible!

Take the time you need!

In distinction to the "Flexible Study" model, there are other variants for designing a study program flexibly in terms of time. With the master's program "Versorgungssteuerung im Gesundheitswesen - Health Care Management (HCM)", HWG LU offers a formal part-time study program. In addition, in various bachelor's and master's degree programs, study times can be easily extended or shortened without having to adhere to a specific standard study period or examination deadlines. For full-time professionals who already have several years of work experience, there is also the option to study at our continuing education institution, the Graduate School Rhein Neckar (GSRN), and obtain a Master's degree or MBA there.

For answers to your questions or if you would like personal advice, please contact our advising center "Flexibel Studieren"(jessica.heuser@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 hwg-lu.de; +49 (0) 621/5203-384) or the contact persons in the respective degree programs.