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HWG LU: Broad range of topics - individual support

Anything but anonymous

Okay, during the first semester welcome, it can happen that our auditorium is bursting at the seams and there aren't enough chairs for everyone. But as soon as studies start and our 4,500 students are spread across the 4 departments, 5 locations and over 40 degree programs, everyone has a place here.

The Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society offers a wide range of Bachelor's degree programs in the fields of economics, social sciences and healthcare. If you want to gain further qualifications afterwards, you can choose between various Master's degree courses - directly after completing your Bachelor's degree or after starting your career. Whether full-time, part-time, dual or distance learning - the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society offers a suitable format for everyone.

Small but mighty!

You will look in vain for classic lectures in which professors lecture in overcrowded lecture halls. Instead, at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society, manageable learning groups are the rule, guaranteeing students individual support and personal contact with lecturers. Currently, 90 professors, 77 academic staff and 261 lecturers look after our 4,500 students. This means that we are a family university where students can also actively participate in courses. In addition to the good supervision rate, the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society scores points with its very high application orientation - here you learn what is really in demand in the job after graduation. In this way, we create the best conditions for effectively teaching specialist knowledge, methodology and social skills.

What is the difference between universities of applied sciences and universities?

Since the changeover to the Bachelor's/Master's system, degrees from universities of applied sciences have been on an equal footing with those from universities. If you are about to decide on a type of university (or even a specific university), you should nevertheless be aware of a few things. The following applies to universities of applied sciences:


  • Universities of applied sciences are generally more application-oriented
  • Course content is easier to transfer to the working world
  • The course of study is more predetermined and generally more school-based
  • Better supervision ratio of students per lecturer
  • The drop-out rate is lower than at universities

All of this also applies to the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society. We also attach great importance to constantly expanding and revising the range of courses in consultation with practitioners and students. As a manageable university, we are agile enough to incorporate current topics into the curriculum at short notice. In short: students who come to the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society are choosing a degree course with a personal touch.

Studying at HWG-LU - the advantages at a glance

  • Wide range of degree programs in business administration, social and health sciences
  • Different study formats (full-time, part-time, dual, part-time, distance learning)
  • manageable learning groups
  • Individual support and personal contact with lecturers
  • Good supervision rate
  • high level of practical relevance